Wednesday, October 22, 2008


To quote Shakespeare,
"for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

Sometimes I think I am gifted with the power of empathy.

I realise I like understanding how someone feels, how someone thinks, why someone does the thing he/she does, why someone is the way he/she is....and at times, I realised I am able to do all of the above fairly well...

However, being empathetic sometimes is scary. What happens when you are able to perceive from both sides of the line? The perpetrator of malevolence might see it as a necessary evil, while the good would deem it as asinine, uncalled for or selfish. Understanding the perspective of both sides, it sometimes becomes hard to find a firm footing either way. The world greys out. But even then, there are many shades of grey.

What which you once cannot stand, you might start to find it accepting....
It is scary.

Perhaps that is why I love my morale dilemmas in stories.

Anyway, today, while I was practising a little on my piano, I sneezed.
Which led me to wonder...

What happen if, during a performance of a fast piano piece, say, flight of the bumblebee? And in front of a large audience.... Heck, he won't even need to be playing a fast piece. So then, what happens if the pianist suddenly have this need to sneeze?



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