Monday, December 08, 2008

Stephen Hawking and the Theory of Everything

I've always had an interest in the way the universe works. How it was born out of nothing, how colossal entities could explode with such extreme violence, how vast it actually is, how little we understand about it... I like it, because thinking about it stretches the imagination. It is humbling, and it reminds of how tiny and insignificant one is.

So naturally, I like documentaries about how the universe works. But after a few shows, things start to get extremely boring. It is always about the same thing. How our solar system was created. How our moon was probably part of the Earth once. How black holes seemingly disobey laws of physics. How we can travel faster than light through wormholes and whatnot.

Therefore, once in a while a documentary comes up that goes deeper into the subject matter, and I am at once all over it.

So I just came off from watching "Stephen Hawking and the Theory of Everything" (Okay, not just. Probably about 2 hours ago) and it was great.

It gave a little insight to Hawking Radiation, explained how we will probably not be around had the creation of our universe during the big bang been perfect and tried to explain how Superstring theory could reconcile the force of gravity into the other fundamental forces for the Theory of Everything.

It was a good 2 hours. Although I missed the first 30 mins because I was watching the stupid and lame movie, Rob Schneider's "The Animal".

Stephen Hawking rocks.

I delayed taking a dump and supper because of him.


Michio Kaku rocks too.


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