Friday, October 27, 2006

I blog. So?

So what's is up with the hoo-haa about blogging?
why the criticism?
Exhibitionistic? Narcissistic?

You not happy, then don't read.

Anyway, I think blogging is actually therapeutic for some. And when we are in need of sharing something, but perhaps cant find someone to talk to, at least blogging provides a repository for your thoughts and ideas.

Besides, aren't we told not to keep things to ourselves? Aren't we encouraged to be opinionated? To speak with an open mind?

"Hey, what's your opinion on this? Com't share it."
"Okay, I think I'll just write it- "

Aiya...Whatever lah.

Weekends are finally here again! Whee~~~~~

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Weird Thought

Okay, so this strange thought occured to me today as I was climbing up the stairs to the lab.

You know how people like looking at good looking people? I realise that people tend to look abit more at ugly people too.

Its like roadkill. Its not a pleasent sight, but everyone who drives pass can't resist the urge to look at it.

Its kind of the same thing, isn't it?

Normal looking people get no attention.

Hmmm, maybe next time you see someone staring at you, before getting your own ego up, perhaps ponder for a moment, if they are actually looking at roadkill.

(Anyway, for the people out there who really think that they are ugly, don't. Confidence destroys what merely is the facade and exposes the beauty within.)

Monday, October 02, 2006

New post in a long time.

Lately, work sucks.
Don't even want to talk about it.

Been very lazy of late. Too lazy to post anything on the blog. Nothing much to say anyway.
Actually..there WERE some things to talk about. But because I was overly lazy and kept procrastinating, it would seem funny to talk about those things here now.

Realise that I tend to procrastinate. A lot.

So I shall decide to stop procrastinating.
Which leads to my declaration that I am starting my next new year's resolution NOW.
2007 new year resolutions shall be:
1) Stop procrastinating
2) Put on weight (OMG!!)
and I have 3 months headstart.

I would say I managed to achieve my resolutions for 2006, which were:
1) Eat more vegies. (which I do!!!)
2) Be friendlier. (Er...let's just say, I've made a few new friends this year.)

Number 2 of year 2007 resolution seems impossible to achieve.
From now on, I shall ask for extra rice. And I call out to my friends. Please feed me the leftover scape of food on your plate that you can't finish!