Thursday, November 09, 2006

My Soup

I actually wanted to write about the 2 movies that I watched over the pass week, but I am feeling frustrated now.

Therefore I will talk about something else.

So there I was in that dull restaurant finishing my up chocolate eclair, when the waiter came up and lay a bowl in front of me.
"Sir, soup is served" he said.

So here I am already done with my pasta and almost done with my chocolate eclair. I am about done with dinner I thought, only need to prepare the cash for the bill.

And than you show up!!

Okay, fine. I thought. I could do with a Lobster Bisque. I love my french cuisine.

But than you changed everything. You changed my objective of having french, and turned it into Chinese-French fusion! Because you said you are lian ou soup!!!!

And than you expect me to finish you up in 5 mins. But you are a BIG PIPPING HOT BOWL OF SOUP. And you jolly well know that even though I have requested for a spoon, that stupid old waiter is not giving it to me.

Because he said that I have requested for the soup spoon one too many times, and have not been efficient in its use!!! He said the priority shall now go to others who need it. But then again, I don't see anybody else having soup!!!

So you said you were lian ou. But when I tasted you. You turn out to be black chicken soup! Why you confuse me?!?!

And you said, try my black chicken meat first.

But after I finished it up, you said, you should drink the soup first, than eat the chicken. It tastes nicer that way.


And when I finally finish you up, you gleefully said.
"Okay, now you can go on to your main course!"

Where were you? Who left you out of the loop??

What the hell man!!!

And if the above post made no sense to you, its simply because its filled with analogys and metaphors.

Just take it that I had a bad dining experience. *smiles innocently*

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Long Post of Unimportant Rant

Had another weird thought lately.

Maybe some people are so conscious about how they look because they think that they look ugly? So they constantly look into the mirror to make sure that they look presentable.

But unlike the people who know they look good, and just stare in the mirror to admire themselves for some self ego boost, these self-concious people are instead trying to find some form of confidence boost. Trying to gain some sort of self esteem? They keep staring in the mirror because they know they don't look good, and hence adjust their hair, or touch up their nose, or make sure unslightly nose hair is kept out of sight. Perhaps they are simply looking for the self-esteem and confidence that is lost admist the mindset that good looks are very important.

So... are these people still vain?

Remembered my mum once went to see a fortune teller about me. And the fortune teller told her that,
I would not be good in my studies.
I have no talent in the arts, or in music.
I will be unsucessful in business.
I will not get married.
This was back a few years ago, and I mean way way back a few years ago.
So maybe what I remembered is not as it should be. Or perhaps it all sounds too awful that I think I remembered it as not the way it should be.
No talent in arts, music, bad in studies, no good at business? No girlfriend? Than what can I do?
Well, I don't believe in fortune reading, or fate, or destiny, or in horoscope reading or whatever. Because if my life journey is predetermined,


Anyway, so I don't believe in all these mambo jumbo.
But can't help but wonder. Is it really true?
And than people will give me crap and say, "But you are in a University! Where got not clever???"
Sigh...but being in a university does not make me more clever than anyone else...and moreover...there's something else I won't like to say...
But I digress.
And I find myself constantly rebelling against the words of that prophet.
No talent in art? I find myself quite enjoy drawing, and even used to create little "comic books" when I was younger.
No talent in music? I love music. And I want to learn the piano. I want to write songs.
Won't be sucessful in business? Hell, I almost wanted to major in business.
So I draw, I dream of music, I want to do business. But, my drawing is horrible. I still can't play the piano or compose music. I don't have a clue how to do business. I am still single. Have what was being said come true?

I realised it has been a constant battle and struggle...
Or maybe because I am just rebellious.
Struggling...and sometimes you don't know if anything'll ever pay off.
There is no affirmation for what I do, and little encouragement.
But you still fight on, because you want to live life the way you want to live it.

End rant.
Needed to let all these stuff off my chest. Been held inside for far too long.

Anyway, Christmas is just round the corner! Love this period of the year!
Who wants me to send them cards? Gimme your address!!