20th Nov 2009
Was thinking about this on my way home today...
About how that old guy in that Pixar movie, UP, wanted to go away on an adventure with his wife, but kept putting it off till his beloved passed away, and he became a cranky old man...
Actually, it really is quite a romantic thought. Leaving everything behind, and just taking off on an adventure to a far away place. To see the world, to experience the sights, to have the stories to tell...
Unfortunately, it's not in any bit pragmatic. If you aren't rich enough, you probably won't be able to just put everything behind and take off like that.
Are you going to stop working then? Who's going to pay the bills?
We're all debt ridden....
Not to mention its rather expensive to travel, especially for long.
Caught 2012 recently.
Kind of like The Day After Tomorrow on steroids, but its still your typical end of the world movie.
Then there's the issues with the neutrinos. Pardon my lack of knowledge, but,
Firstly, aren't neutrinos supposed to be neutral? They pass through you - and I supposed some are indeed passing through us now - and they would pass through undisturbed. And that's why it's so difficult to detect. So say they indeed have a change of characteristics, and they start heating up the Earth's core as in the movie. But why? I was kind of hoping they would explain why the neutrinos decided to become that way (but they didn't). It's kind of like saying electrons, out of a sudden, decided to become positively charged...It's like saying pi suddenly decided to become a whole number.
Secondly. If neutrinos start to affect the Earth, won't they affect us as well? Heck, we won't have to wait till 2012 to die, when the Earth crumbles and the poles shifts. If they'll heat the Earth up, they'll probably boil us too.
Lastly. Aren't neutrinos found throughout space? If they have the ability to heat up Earth, won't they cost significant changes to the rest of the planets and stars? It won't just be the end of the world. It'll be the end of the universe.
Why can't the movie just be about the alignment of our planets, which causes this huge gateway/dimension/portal to open, heralding an onslaught of disasters/The Beast that causes our world to explode?
Why can't the movie be about greenhouse gases and global warming which causes the polar caps to melt and sea levels to rise? I guess then that won't be a movie, that'll be a documentary....
About how that old guy in that Pixar movie, UP, wanted to go away on an adventure with his wife, but kept putting it off till his beloved passed away, and he became a cranky old man...
Actually, it really is quite a romantic thought. Leaving everything behind, and just taking off on an adventure to a far away place. To see the world, to experience the sights, to have the stories to tell...
Unfortunately, it's not in any bit pragmatic. If you aren't rich enough, you probably won't be able to just put everything behind and take off like that.
Are you going to stop working then? Who's going to pay the bills?
We're all debt ridden....
Not to mention its rather expensive to travel, especially for long.
Caught 2012 recently.
Kind of like The Day After Tomorrow on steroids, but its still your typical end of the world movie.
Then there's the issues with the neutrinos. Pardon my lack of knowledge, but,
Firstly, aren't neutrinos supposed to be neutral? They pass through you - and I supposed some are indeed passing through us now - and they would pass through undisturbed. And that's why it's so difficult to detect. So say they indeed have a change of characteristics, and they start heating up the Earth's core as in the movie. But why? I was kind of hoping they would explain why the neutrinos decided to become that way (but they didn't). It's kind of like saying electrons, out of a sudden, decided to become positively charged...It's like saying pi suddenly decided to become a whole number.
Secondly. If neutrinos start to affect the Earth, won't they affect us as well? Heck, we won't have to wait till 2012 to die, when the Earth crumbles and the poles shifts. If they'll heat the Earth up, they'll probably boil us too.
Lastly. Aren't neutrinos found throughout space? If they have the ability to heat up Earth, won't they cost significant changes to the rest of the planets and stars? It won't just be the end of the world. It'll be the end of the universe.
Why can't the movie just be about the alignment of our planets, which causes this huge gateway/dimension/portal to open, heralding an onslaught of disasters/The Beast that causes our world to explode?
Why can't the movie be about greenhouse gases and global warming which causes the polar caps to melt and sea levels to rise? I guess then that won't be a movie, that'll be a documentary....