His Dark Materials (The Movie)
Nicole Kidman as Mrs Coulter.
Daniel Craig (the new 007) as Lord Asriel.
Produced by New Line Cinema who brought us the Lord of the Rings.
Think Nicole Kidman will make a nice Mrs Coulter. Don't know about Daniel Craig though.
This movie surely going to get bash around by the Christian community when it comes out.
Just hope that they please please please don't screw up the story and the characters.
WHeeeeeEeeeE~~ I can't wait!
Quick! Go get the books before the rest of the world scamble for them when the movie comes out~~!
Daniel Craig (the new 007) as Lord Asriel.
Produced by New Line Cinema who brought us the Lord of the Rings.
Think Nicole Kidman will make a nice Mrs Coulter. Don't know about Daniel Craig though.
This movie surely going to get bash around by the Christian community when it comes out.
Just hope that they please please please don't screw up the story and the characters.
WHeeeeeEeeeE~~ I can't wait!
Quick! Go get the books before the rest of the world scamble for them when the movie comes out~~!