One of the things I wanted to do badly this holidays was to leave Singapore. And I finally did.
From one sweltering hot locale to another, I found myself in Bangkok.
Was quite a last minute trip, and coupled with some last minute health problems, my excitment actually turned into some apprehension. Anyway, I went ahead with the trip. Plane flight was delayed for about 2 hours, and the actual flight took about 2 hours.

An Extremely Bored Me On The Plane
One of the good thing about this trip, was that we managed to get free accomodation at my friend uncle's condo. That meant that I had a very big place to live in, with a large living room, kitchen and balcony with a good view.
Ahem, President Suite anyone???Anyway, had trouble sleeping the first night. Which is normal for me on the first night in a new environment.
The worse thing about Bangkok was probably its traffic and pollution. Our first stop was at Ma Boon Kong (sp?) aka MBK. Extremely big shopping center selling extremely cheap stuffs.
Bangkok had many of those "street markets" akin to bugis street, except that the pathway through them were much much narrower. Alot of the street markets in Bangkok was like that, shops opposite each other, and with super narrow pathways for the shoppers to walk. And what amazed me, was that on this narrow pathway, which was about wide enough for 3 people walking side by side, u can have motorcycles riding by, people pulling carts through, beggers crawling along the floor pushing their tin box in front of them and all the while people still managing to go about buying and selling their stuffs.
The weekend market that we went to was similar, except that the market area was incredibly huge. Unfortunately, it was raining that day, and the fact that the pathways was so narrow, and there were so many people, it became extremely stuffy. You could steam a char siew bao in there. But the weekend market sold everything you thought you won't find. Many sold pets too. Snakes, weird looking turtles, cats, dogs and birds. Oh, and many sold food directly across the shops which sells birds - which was really unhygenic.
One of my most memorable experience in Bangkok, had to be the last night of our trip, where we went down to the "old goods market". It was raining heavily, and we were drenched throughout. But what made that experience worthwhile, was that I managed to see something one won't see back in Singapore. Though heavily raining, people were still selling their goods and food. Some were sleeping beneath the makeshift shelters of their shop, and dirty rainwater were splashing everywhere. The ground in Bangkok was not even and many of the portholes were filled with water.
Makes one thinks that we sure are lucky. We probably won't tolerate such conditions just to earn a meagre living. Perhaps we are too sheltered from the harshness of life. At least, for a moment, I manage to experience a part of what is their daily life there.
-listening to Zhou Jie Lun - Shan Hu Hai